We will discuss Scrum Master role in Sprint Planning. This article is a part of the series discussing Scrum Master roles and responsibilities in detail.
Scrum Guide says that entire team creates the plan for the the sprint together. Through discussion with the Product Owner, the Developers select items from the Product Backlog to include in the current Sprint. Scrum Master helps them to ensure effective planning
Scrum Master limitations during the Sprint Planning Event
In order to understand Scrum Master Role & Responsibilities in Sprint Planning, first we need to understand the limitations a Scrum Master has during Sprint Planning
- A good Scrum Master does not enforce their decisions about what and how much work the Scrum Team chooses to do in the Sprint.
- They do not micromanage how the Scrum Team conducts the Sprint Planning. Instead they coach the Scrum to Self Manage and plan their work
What Scrum Master does before Sprint Planning
Help to make sure that the Product Backlog is refined enough for Sprint Planning
During the Sprint Planning, the Product Owner has to ensure that attendees are prepared to discuss the most important Product Backlog items and how they map to the Product Goal. One of the key Scrum Master Role & Responsibilities in Sprint Planning is to help with this.
- Coach the Product Owner to continuously work on the Product backlog. So that Scrum Team has enough items to choose to work during Sprint
- If needed, help the Product Owner with some tools and techniques to manage the the Product Backlog.
- Coach the Stakeholders to carve out time before the Sprint Planning for Product Backlog refinement. This will help to ensure that only valuable items are placed at the top of the Product Backlog
- Coach the developers to carve out time before the Sprint Planning for Product Backlog refinement. Often the Developers are focused on achieving the current Sprint Goal. This sometimes makes them reluctant to take out time for Product Backlog Refinement. But when the Developers do participate, it ensures that items at the top of the Product Backlog are well understood and broken down in manageable sizes.
- If needed, coach the Scrum Team members in estimation/ work breakdown techniques
Helping The Scrum Team get ready for Sprint Planning
- Teaching the Scrum Team about Sprint Planning and its importance
- Sometimes, the Scrum Master will need to coach the Product Owner on why they should not try to pressurize the Developers during Sprint Planning
- Work with Developers as well as Product Owner to assess if the Scrum Team will need to invite anybody out side the Scrum Team for clarification purposes.
- Work with Scrum Team to identify issues in Past Sprints that the Scrum Team should keep in mind when they plan the upcoming sprint
Facilitating Sprint Planning Event
A Scrum Master can play an important role in ensuring smooth and productive Sprint Planning . Please consider some of the below items to help the Scrum Team during Sprint Planning.
- Help the Scrum Team to manage the timebox
- Facilitate the discussions within Scrum Team to help with productive discussions
- Managing Conflict: help the Scrum Team to manage their disagreements diplomatically . Help the team find common ground.
- Help the Scrum Team to keep the Focus: Redirect discussions that veer off-topic.
- Gently Engage the team to consider
- the lessons learnt from past Sprints
- Velocity and Capacity Available
- Definition of Done
- Ask open ended questions which will help to
- Identify risks and dependencies
- Make realistic commitments – Avoid over and under commitment
- Clarify the Sprint Goal and the selected items