We will discuss Scrum Master role in Sprint Review. This article is a part of the series discussing Scrum Master roles and responsibilities in detail.

Scrum Guide says that, the purpose of the Sprint Review is to inspect the outcome of the Sprint and determine future adaptations. In order for the Sprint Review to be effective, we need to focus on how to get most useful feedback about the increment. Scrum Master can help the Scrum Team to prepare for and conduct this event in such way that we can get the best feedback.
Scrum Master limitations during the Sprint Review Event
In order to understand Scrum Master Role & Responsibilities in Sprint Review, first we need to understand the limitations a Scrum Master has during Sprint Review.
The Scrum Master is primarily the leader who serves. They are the facilitator and coach for the Scrum Team. They are not a decision-maker about the product or a technical contributor. This means they have to keep their limitations in mind while helping the Scrum team for Sprint Review
- No Direct Authority Over Decisions about the Product – Scrum Master does not have any direct authority over the Product Decisions or Product Backlog contents
- Cannot Force Stakeholder Engagement or the Collaboration between Scrum Team and Stakeholders– For a fruitful Sprint Review, the Scrum team members and Stakeholders need to collaborate – Scrum Master can try to facilitate but they can not enforce the Stakeholder engagement or the Collaboration between Scrum team members and Stakeholders
What Scrum Master does before Sprint Review
Help the Scrum Team to be ready to showcase a Good Quality and “done” Increment
In order to get good feedback, Stakeholders need to know exact state of the Increment. If the Scrum Team showcases some items which are not completely done, this will reduce the transparency. Scrum Master helps the Scrum Team to
- Create as well as follow a well defined and fit for use Definition of done
- Coach Product Owner to spend time with Developers and give some feedback even before Sprint Review – this helps to identify defects/issues earlier. Once the Developers have corrected the issues/solved the defects, during the actual Sprint Review the Scrum Team and Stakeholders can collaborate on the next steps for the product!
- Help the Scrum Team to be ready with the plan for “showcasing the Increment” – its important that the team demonstrates working Increment rather a one way presentation. This will also include helping the Scrum Team be ready with logistics of this event
Help Stakeholders as well as Scrum Team members to understand the purpose of Sprint Review
- Often members as well as developers misunderstand the purpose of sprint review. This scrum event is looked at as an acceptance forum or a sign off forum. Scrum Master coaches people to have the acceptance activity done prior to Sprint Review
- Scrum Master helps the stakeholders understand the purpose behind sprint review no what to expect during this event and come prepared to give constructive feedback
What Scrum Master does during Sprint Review
During the Sprint Review, Scrum Master will usually take a facilitator stance. They will help the Scrum Team and Stakeholders to collaborate.
- The Scrum Master facilitates the Sprint Review. Helps to keep the discussion focused and within the timebox.
- In order to encourage active participation from all attendees, Scrum master works to create a safe and inclusive environment.
- Encourages every one to share their feedback on increment and come up with some constructive action items that can help the Scrum team to meet the Product Goal
- Helps the Product Owner to track and document the suggested changes to Product Backlog