In this series we plan to give an Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework ® or SAFe®

The 15th State of Agile Report states that
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®) continues to be the most popular with 37% of respondents identifying it as the framework they most closely follow. SAFe® signifi cantly outdistances the next nearest scaling method, Scrum@ Scale/Scrum of Scrums (9%).
As stated on the ScaledAgile website, Scaled Agile Framework or the SAFe ® is the world’s most trusted system for business agility. SAFe has fast become the Framework of Choice for Leading Organizations. More than 1,000,000 practitioners and 20,000 enterprises worldwide in nearly every industry trust the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®). Gartner names SAFe the #1 most considered and adopted framework for scaling Agile.
Since the earliest days at Scaled Agile, the core belief has been simple: better software and systems make the world a better place. SAFe Version 5 enables the business agility. This focus on Business Agility helps large enterprises to compete and thrive in the digital age. Business Agility requires every part of the organization involved in delivering technology-based solutions. In this section of our blog, we will be giving a brief introduction and few highlights of the SAFe framework. Please pursue the website to get Indepth details about this industry leading framework.
Some of the topics covered in this series are
1- Why do we enterprises need to leverage Scaled Agile?
2- Some Basic concepts about Scaling
3- How SAFe provides a Dual Operating System to balance speed of Innovation and Stability/efficiency
4- How SAFe helps to achieve Business Agility?
5- How to read the SAFe Big Picture
8- How the events scale up in SAFe or how a Program Increment works