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Scrum relies heavily on the concept of Timebox. Timebox is setting a fixed time limit to any activity and letting other characteristics such as Scope vary. A time box could be A Meeting A Sprint A Test activity Development Activity Or Practically anything such as...

Distributed Scrum Teams

Distributed Scrum Teams Today businesses are shifting to emerging economies (such as India) due to reduced business operations cost and an easily available workforce. The businesses certainly are more virtual and distributed, with “distributed” as its key...

Scrum Values

Value is more like the roots of the tree. The stronger the roots, the stronger the tree is and better the fruits it bears. The 5 values of Scrum described below are basically common sense. If one can follow the 5 values of Scrum, one will have strong foundations of a...

Risk Burn Down Chart

Risk Burndown graphs are very useful Communication Tool for seeing if the total project risk is increasing or decreasing over time. It allows stakeholders to see instantly if we are reducing project risk. There are two key pieces of information which the Risk Burndown...

Risk Boards

Risk Boards is another powerful Information Radiator used to Communicate the status of Risks in a Agile Project This is used to make the Risks transparent to the Stakeholders. In the illustration shown here, The Risk Board indicates The Identified Risks Their...