by Snehamayee | Dec 8, 2020 | Scrum Myths and Antipatterns
Common Misconceptions and negative implications Most teams implement Sprint Planning as three parts – Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. The Product Owner comes in part 1 and 2, helps with setup of the Sprint Goal (WHY) selection of functionality (WHAT) and then the...
by Snehamayee | Nov 18, 2020 | Agile Scrum
Excitement is in air. The new scrum guide is out. Like always there is a great curiosity among agile enthusiasts to see how the guide to scrum is evolving. This article attempts to capture this very aspect. Here, in this article I have articulated my understanding and...
by Snehamayee | Sep 22, 2020 | Scrum Myths and Antipatterns
Common Misconceptions and negative implications Organizations implement Scrum Master role by renaming all their Project Managers as Scrum Masters just because they want to do Scrum or try Scrum. Scrum Master is the most mis-understood role in the industry.Scrum Master...
by Snehamayee | Aug 28, 2020 | Scrum Myths and Antipatterns
Common Misconceptions and Negative implications Most teams conduct Daily scrum as a status meeting. When this happens, following negative implications result Developers start thinking that this is Scrum Master’s forumDevelopers don’t take accountabilityDevelopers lose...
by Amit Kulkarni | Apr 12, 2017 | Agile Scrum
DoD Criteria is a set of Quality Measures that is applicable to all items before they can be called as Increment. A clear definition of Done is critical because it removes ambiguity from requirements and helps the team adhere to mandatory quality norms. An initial DoD...