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DevOps Tool – Jenkins

Jenkins Tool is a software that allows continuous integration. Jenkins tool will be installed on a server where the central build will take place. The following flowchart demonstrates a very simple workflow of how Jenkins works. Along with Jenkins tool, sometimes, one...

DevOps and ITIL

ITIL – Good Practice Framework ITIL is presented as “Best Practice” for IT Service Management which in turn is a proven “Good Practice” widely accepted and used in industry. Best Practice has a set of generic guidelines based on successful experiences of many...

DevOps Culture

A DevOps Culture and Mindset is extremely essential for implementation of DevOps. Devops is a prescription for culture. No cultural movement exists in a vaccum. Social structure and culture are inherently intertwined. DevOps is about finding ways to adapt and innovate...

Benefits of DevOps

A sustainable, successful business is more than the development and operations teams. Limiting our thinking to just those teams who write software or deploy it into production does the entire business a disservice. The 2015 State of DevOps Report, published by Puppet,...

DevOps Anti-Patterns

Anti-patterns are ideas that are counter-productive to DevOps Culture. Following are some of such DevOps Anti-patterns which weaken the idea of DevOps. Blame Culture A Blame culture is one that tends towards blaming and punishing people when mistakes are made, either...