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What is a Timebox?

What is a Timebox? Scrum relies heavily on the concept of Timebox. Timebox is setting a fixed time limit to any activity and letting other characteristics such as Scope vary. A time box could be A Meeting A Sprint A Test activity Development Activity Or Practically...

Is Planning required in Scrum?

Is Planning required in Scrum? Scrum infact advocates planning. However, the plan does not need to be a humungous up-front plan. Progressively Elaborate the planning in Scrum Plan at multiple levels (strategic, release, iteration daily etc) creating appropriate detail...

What is a Sprint retrospective?

What is a Sprint retrospective? The Sprint Retrospective is the event in Agile which brings in the iterative, inspective and adaptive nature into picture. The team reflects upon the previous timebox with a view to learn some lessons, adjust the behavior or environment...

What is a Persona?

What is a Persona? Personas are highly detailed fictional characters, representative of the majority of users and of other stakeholders who may not directly use the end product. Personas are created to identify the needs of the target user base. Creating specific...